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Bringing the Movie Theater Home
Technology, Curated Spencer Kovacevich Technology, Curated Spencer Kovacevich

Bringing the Movie Theater Home

The MES of your dreams, or close to your dreams is something that could be within your grasp to give you that moving going experience without the risk of the movie theater. The only people talking during the movie in YOUR MES, is yourself, your family, and friends, and those are all great people to yell at about asking what’s going on in Michael Mann’s Miami Vice (absolutely underrated banger of a movie that legit explains NOTHING EVER). 

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Why Vinyl is Cool
Music Danny M Music Danny M

Why Vinyl is Cool

A little over a month ago I decided to make a video on consuming music digitally and via vinyl. I really just wanted something as a bit of a gateway into the format, mainly keeping a high level comparison of the 2 and why vinyl is making a resurgence. As a newer adopter of the format myself, it was nice to get some thoughts out that doesn’t get too deep into the details and stay relatively surface level to hopefully get some people to connect and maybe pick it up as well.

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